Tuesday 12 November 2013

My Evaluation

My media product uses the codes and conventions of a front cover because it has a set theme running through it, red, whit and black. This magazine is also unisex, which most aren't, but being a school magazine i feel that it had to appeal to both genders.

The institution that might distribute my media product would have to be the school (Highdown) because it is a magazine written for them by the students of that place. It could also be distributed around the local community, involving them in the schools activities and advertising the school so people would want to enroll.

The audience for my Magazine is mainly the senior school, since it is a mature and professional looking product but also relates to the students and isn't patronizing.

One of the ways we attract our audience is by the front cover, it is simple but not plain, and professional looking.

I have learnt how to use the basics of Photoshop, taking various pictures and how to create and write a blog.

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