Friday 4 October 2013

Hampton School magazine- The Lion

The Lion- 2011 & 2012

The masthead of the magazine is very simple and makes a statement by being in capital letters. This suggests that the image they wants to portray is uncomplicated. 'THE LION' stands for the lion on the school logo, since this is a school magazine.

On the front cover it shows someone who is probably a student. This shows that this magazine is from the students to the students which I think is the best way to reach out to them because it feels more familiar and casual.

The student on the cover looks like to be doing some sort of climbing activity. this send out a positive image of the students, showing that they are outgoing and active- not only intelligent. It also shows the kinda of activities that the school offers and encourages people to do.

The colours used on the cover are simple and stand out. The two main colours used are a blueish-grey and an orangey-yellow. Even though there is just a hint of the orange colour they both complement each other and then works as the title and writing colour because it matches the helmet and the bag cover. Both of the colours aren't particularly feminine, this could be because the magazine is from an all-boys school.

The font they have used is very simple and the magazine title is all in capitals, but it is translucent which makes it softer, so it doesn't look so harsh against the background. The same effect is given to the school logo and the dates.

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